Low-cost Missile and Artillery ALTERNATIVEs

trusted autonomy

  • Autonomous navigation to pre-approved areas of engagement

  • Terminal guidance to detect and engage pre-defined targets
  • 'Optional Autonomy':  approve / deny target engagement if required.

"HIVE" Launch system

For Large Scale Deployments

Our 'pod' based deployment system, the HIVE - is designed to allow mass deployment of drones from interconnected stacks.

BMS Integration

  • Easily integrated into existing Battlefield Managment Systems. allowing
  • Simple "point and click" launch capabilities,
  • A range of predifined mission profiles.

Multi-role capability

  • Explosive ordnance

  • Sensor Networks

  • Comms Mesh Infrastructure

  • Jamming


Our Autonomous Navigation technology enables drones to navigate to the battlefield without GPS or Radio Control systems.